The Human Touch in Travel : A RARE Touch Stone

22 Aug, 2020

Travel touches you in ways that you may not discover until a shift inside you has become a habit or an ideal you live by. It is one of those activities where even Solo Travel is not such a lonely journey.  For travel pulls into its ambit the power of ‘human touch’ an important aspect of travel, often overlooked for other more tangible and visual benefits. An attribute of travel that shined through during Covid disruption is empathy, that stepping back to understand the other's point of view however painful it was. As a company that has long been promoting tourism that embraced conservation and preservation as a collective ideology, RARE India  has advocated knowledge of destinations and experiences; and sparked sensitive ideals through the power of Human Touch. An attribute that has infused fresh life into lost art and crafts, highlighted the plight of endangered species, promoted community development and revival of habitats – all possible only through mindful travel and the power of human connection.

The idea of Human Touch as an important attribute for responsible travel has been inspired by the Abhaya Hrudaya Mudra as enunciated in Yoga, the Human Touch which played a key role in how we all reacted to the Covid situation. Tour Operators reaching out to the community, Hoteliers reaching out to consultants and travellers thinking about  communities. Humanity coming together in support and introspection. Travel has this amazing potential to help you reach out in person as well as transport you remotely to touch things that move and motivate you.  

A simplistic translation is a fearless heart or a brave heart symbol, the heart formed by the juxtaposition of two thumb prints just touching each other. As each fingerprint is unique so are our experiences and hence the impressions. At the root of being human is the capacity to love and empathise for which fear should be set aside. We believe this symbolism is apt for 'human touch' touchstone. Within the larger scheme of things, this should guide all other touchstones and so be situated at the centre of the compass rose, a place of pride and primacy. 

A unique principal among the RARE touchstones - “Human Touch”, denotes purpose and indeed the premise of life in its ability to touch those around us and be touched, both physically and metaphorically. A truth, highlighted by the alienation of social distancing. Are we not warmed and touched, when someone sets aside fear and reaches out for a hug. We travel to enhance and reimagine our life and experiences which in turn are opportunities to leave a mark behind while we carry back beautiful memories . Travel thus only makes life sweeter through human connections and empathy. 

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Unknown | 10 Jun, 2024